Add Markers, copy data from Excel

  • Click Show Marker button to draw markers
  • Click Fit Bounds to expand map boundaries to fit all markers
  • Click Show/Edit Values to edit data or copy data from spreadsheet
  • Specify marker color in column three.
    If not specified, program will iterate through pre-set colors
  • Shift + Left Click to change map bounds

Controls +

Pre-defined Marker Colors:
#FFFF99 #FF99CC #CC99FF #FFCC99 #3366FF #33CCCC #99CC00 #FFCC00 #FF9900 #FF6600 #666699 #969696 #003366 #339966 #003300 #333300 #993300 #993366 #333399 #333333


Copy and Paste excel data directly into this table. First two columns must be longitude and latitude. Third column should be color name or hexadecimal color value.