Magento - setting up and testing Moneris eSelect

Canadian company Collins Harper have developed some nice Magento add-in for ecommerce. Here are some screen shots for their Moneris eCommerce eSelect credit card module. This is the Canadian "on-site" version.

Setup can be found under System >> Configuration >> Payment Methods

For testing, we want to set Test Mode to Yes. You can test with CVD on or off. The CVD is those three digit codes on the back of your credit cards. If you test with CVD off, you want to use Moneris store1. If you test with CVD on, you want to use Moneris store2. Moneris test servers are frequently down. If you are getting error messages when testing the module, you may want to switch from store1 to store2. Don't forget to switch the CVD value at the same time.yesguy is the standardAPI token (AKA password) for theit test servers.

Other setup screens

You may want to reset cc'ed email before testing so your support staff does not get your test orders.

In order to test interface, you have to make some orders. When you make a test transaction in your Magento shop, the credit card section should look like this:

When doing tests, you will need some test credit card numbers. Any 3 digit CVD code and expiry date in the future should work

	Credit Card Number		

	MasterCard              5555555555554444
	MasterCard              5105105105105100
	Visa                    4111111111111111
	Visa                    4012888888881881
	American Express        378282246310005

This interface rarely works the first time, so you are like to see a few of these errors

When it does work, it will look like this.