Magento - Create Custom Module - Block with Layout instructions

On this example we make the following Magento page generated by a custom module with template and layout file.

Step 1 – Set up a directory structures for your module.

See Tutorial I for more details about this step. This module will be stored in directory:


Step 2 set up your module’s xml file.

file: \app\etc\modules\Msc_Module4.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Filename:  \app\etc\modules\Msc_Module4.xml -->

Step 3 – create config file for our module

Every module requires a config.xml file. This is placed in the module’s etc directory.


<?xml version="1.0"?>







Step 4 – create a block for your module

in file:- \app\code\local\Msc\Module4\Block\myblock4.php

class Msc_Module4_Block_Myblock4 extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
     public function method4block()
         return 'output from  method-4 block!!' ;

Step 5 – create a controller file for your module

in file - \app\code\local\Msc\Module4\controllers\IndexController.php

//  to test this module:

class Msc_Module4_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
     public function indexAction()
      public function mymethodAction()
          echo 'perform method mymethod';          


Step 6 – create a template for your module

If you have a custom theme, then you can store this file in your custom theme:

If you are lost and have no idea what I am talking about, use this directory/file

then read up on how to create a custom theme.


// this has to match with method name in /Block/myblock4.php
echo $this->method4block();

Step 7 – Create a layout file in XML

put this file in in \app\design\frontend\default\YOURTHEME\layout\module4.xml or


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">

          <reference name="content">

           <reference name="content">
                <block type="module4/myblock4"  name="anyname_unique_name_goes_here_2468"   template="module4/template4.phtml" />
