Example of jQuery Mobile listview with filter and autocomplete functions.

These examples were developed with jQuery Mobile 1.3.2. Last time I checked we were up to v1.4.3. Many things have changed since 1.3.2 especially with Listview widget, so proceed with caution...


By adding a bit of javascript to retreive values and put selected value into the input box, we can build a listview that perform autocomplete functions. Here user enters three first characters of inquiry and the program will automatically provides a drop-down list of values that match on first three characters. The user can then click on one of these values which will then be copied into input box and drop-down will then disappear. Note that the filterable functonality was added in jQuery Mobile 1.3, but will be likely re-worked in jQuery Mobile 1.5.


To use the listview filter as an autocomplete that taps into remote data sources, you can use the listviewbeforefilter event to dynamically populate a listview as a user types a search query. This is useful when you have a very large data set like cities, zip codes, or products that can't be loaded up-front locally.


Note that we use $(document).on('pageinit') function and not the $(document).ready(). In jQuery Mobile, Ajax is used to load the contents of each page into the DOM as you navigate. Because of this $(document).ready() will trigger before your first page is loaded and every code intended for page manipulation will be executed after a page refresh.

If you have a small list of items, you can use the listview filter reveal option to make an autocomplete with local listview data.


    #mypage {
    width:500px !important;   
    // show auto-complete values
    $(document).on( "pageinit", "#myPage", function() {
      $( ".autocomplete" ).on( "listviewbeforefilter", function ( e, data ) {       
        var $ul = $(this);                        // $ul refers to the shell unordered list under the input box
        var value = $( data.input ).val();        // this is value of what user entered in input box
        var dropdownContent = "" ;                // we use this value to collect the content of the dropdown
        $ul.html("") ;                            // clears value of set the html content of unordered list
        // on third character, trigger the drop-down
        if ( value && value.length > 2 ) {
        // hard code some values... TO DO: replace with AJAX call
        var response = ['1111','1112','1113','1114','2116','2117','2119'];
          $ul.html( "<li><div class='ui-loader'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-loading' ></span></div></li>" );
          $ul.listview( "refresh" );
          $.each(response, function( index, val ) {
              dropdownContent += "<li>" + val + "</li>";
            $ul.html( dropdownContent );
            $ul.listview( "refresh" );
            $ul.trigger( "updatelayout"); 
    // click to select value of auto-complete
    $( document).on( "click", ".autocomplete li", function() {     
      var selectedItem = $(this).html();


    <div data-role="page" id="myPage">
      <div data-role="content">
        <a href='example5.php' data-ajax="false">Back</a>
          <ul class="autocomplete"  data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-filter="true"
          data-filter-placeholder="Try to find parts starting with 111, and 211" data-filter-theme="e"></ul>
